What is a circular economy?
When we talk about the environment, we use terms that may mean different things to different people, including small businesses, companies and various industries. In this blog, I am focusing on the term ‘circular economy’, and what it means to me as a small business.
Here at LaLa Leads, to the best of my ability and with a realistic outlook, I’m working towards moving away from a linear economy and instead developing a circular economy within my production line, as well as closing up gaps in the system.
In a linear economy, natural resources are taken from the environment and transformed into commercial products, which will eventually be disposed of after use. Take, Make, Use, Dispose.
A circular economy, or a ‘closed loop system’ is an economic system aimed at eliminating waste and the continual use of resources. Make, Use, Reuse, Remake, Recycle/Repurpose.
So, what am I doing to close the gap between production and the natural ecosystem cycles?
Where I use non-biodegradable waste, rather than the client allowing it to go to landfill after use, I am encouraging them to send it back to me to be reused or recycled.
Rope -
Repurposed from the marine industry.
Waste fibres are sent to One Tree for crafting or to make insulation blocks.
Leads and collars after use -
If ok, re-sell on my secondhand page or donate to dog charity.
If not, rope will be made into bracelets or key rings or go to One Tree.
Metal parts will be reused or recycled where necessary.
Postage -
Customers will have the choice to use “repak”.
A circular economy will redefine the idea of how we, as humans, consume. The idea is to remove potential waste from the system. this will have widespread benefits for society, and the environment, as well as our natural resources and systems.
Love Lala
The LaLa Loop.
Puppy Set Circle.